Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Finally, leadership. Thank you, Senator Wallin. Thank you, Senator Dallaire.

Now, the House of Commons special committee on Afghanistan says it is time for Parliament “to begin a serious discussion on the future of the Canadian mission.”

We are delighted that the debate has been joined. Our Senate committee, studying the same issue [pdf], has heard from key Canadian and other players in Afghanistan. None has said the mission should end. Many believe that at least some troops should stay. And all agree our contribution has been remarkable.


Thank you, too, Senator Segal. Thank you, Bob Rae, and thank you, Laurie Hawn.

The debate has been joined. We have miles to go before we sleep.



Blogger CanadianSense said...

Let's hope the adults are allowed to lead this debate and games are kept to a minimum.

9:04 AM  
Blogger vildechaye said...

The comments below this G&M article are predictably depressing. And you just know that if our troops abandon Afghanistan and are followed by the rest of Nato, the same holier-than-thou crowd will beat on Harper and the U.S. when the girls schools are shut down and the public executions begin.

10:53 AM  
Blogger GayandRight said...

We all need to thank Terry and the Canada-Afghanistan Solidarity Committee for their hard work on this file. I was there when Terry testified before the Senate Committee, and his passion just bowled over the Committee.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Dan Hilborn said...

There are good people in government!


10:13 PM  
Blogger The Contentious Centrist said...

"And you just know that if our troops abandon Afghanistan and are followed by the rest of Nato, the same holier-than-thou crowd will beat on Harper and the U.S. when the girls schools are shut down and the public executions begin."

I think you are being too kind to that crowd. You don't hear them beating their breasts in agony over Darfur, or the Kurds in Turkey, or the Copts in Egypt, or the executions in Iran. Afghanistan will return to be one of those countries in which atrocities are regarded as forces of nature, "man-manufactured" disasters.

12:00 PM  

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